Output Management

Meaning of the term output management

Output Management is the central hub in the company for document-based customer communication. This is where the results of document creation converge at a central point, where the optimization processes that encompass the entire document volume of the company run, and where it can also be ensured that all outgoing documents are archived. Enterprise Output Management is therefore also a central component of customer communications management (CCM), which, according to its concept, comprises all components that contribute to the operation, organization and improvement of a company’s customer-related communications.

Multi-channel output management and omni-channel output management

With the steady increase in the proportion of digital forms of customer communication, the importance of document output management software is also growing. The number of output channels to be served is growing and with it the associated processes of selection, preparation, and optimization. This is why today we often speak of multi-channel output management and, as an extension of this, omni-channel output management. The latter aims to process all incoming customer contacts (inbounds) on all channels and to use the most suitable output channel for the response in the current case. This means a fundamental change in document formats and processes. The response from a clerk, for example, can take on completely different output media and output forms. Only at the very end of the process chain does the system decide, based on the underlying criteria, whether this response is prepared and delivered as an e-mail, SMS, portal entry or letter – and in what form this action is documented and archived.

Enterprise Output Management Solutions with Serie M/

As already emphasized at the beginning, it is crucial for the efficiency of a document output management software that all documents created in the company are processed centrally. The easiest way to achieve this is to use a central system for document creation. The Serie M/ offers document creation that is integrated into the output management system and designed for all common forms of processing:

Many companies have thus succeeded in replacing historically grown isolated text processing solutions with the central Customer Communications Management of the Serie M/. This not only saves multiple development and maintenance costs, but the central administration also gives companies the flexibility they need to react quickly to changing market situations, especially in the context of digital transformation.

The internal output-neutral data format of the documents is the prerequisite for using a wide variety of renderers at the end of the process, which bring the document into its final form. The integrated approach of the Serie M/ ensures that document creation can transfer its results directly to output management for further processing without conversion.

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Christel Heusler