Optimize CCM processes with business intelligence

With the Serie M/

From data to optimization

Business analytics or business intelligence BI refers to strategies and processes for collecting, evaluating, and presenting inhomogeneous corporate and market data. In this way, success-critical knowledge can be gained about the status, potential, and prospects of a company, which supports management decisions based on data.

  • The first step in a BI project is to define a strategy as to which business processes or areas need improvement.
  • Depending on this, corresponding data is collected from the operational systems and made available in a so-called data warehouse.
  • Specialized BI tools then access this data to analyze it and prepare it for evaluation.
  • Finally, the results flow into the decision-making processes, which in turn include concrete measures.

Things to know about Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence in the service of customer communication

The aim of such BI analyses is to reduce costs or increase value creation. CCM processes and procedures represent key success factors for companies , thus providing valuable information for future decisions and optimization approaches. This impacts the entire creation process of customer communication – from content composition to output management.

Reduce costs

  • Shorten processes - in the design and maintenance of resources as well as in the creation of the documents themselves.
  • Reduce costs for digital documents - infrastructure costs for creation and provisioning for mail and messaging services, portals, etc.
  • Reduce costs for physical documents - in postage and shipping, centralized/decentralized printing, print service providers, etc.

Increase value creation

  • Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty - through shorter response times and high-quality, personalized customer communications.
  • Better understand customer needs and adapt more quickly to changes.
  • Global availability via Web

Contribution of the Serie M/ to BI analysis

Serie M/ controls and organizes the entire document process from content composition to output management. It allows detailed data and metadata to be captured, collected and made available for analysis at runtime in each process phase:

  • Application-specific data from the data source - which products/services are in demand, which have complaints , etc.?
  • Template metadata on usage, output, content of generated content, etc.?
  • System metadata and system parameters such as number of pages/documents, paper type, processing time, etc.
  • Editor activity metadata - use/modification of blocks, manual text and data additions, etc.
  • Active user data such as name, role, position, forwarding, etc.
  • System parameters of output management such as output channels, generated output formats, use of whitespace management, etc.
  • Information on postage and dispatch optimization as well as DP franking

Identify and exploit optimization potential

The following example shows what insights the M/ series process data analysis can provide, and which concrete improvement measures can be derived from it. EXAMPLE (as button)

Analysis of metadata on activities in the editor and on the use of building blocks.
Building blocks are reusable content elements of the Serie M/ that can contain text, graphics, logic and layout. They play a central role in the efficient organization of content creation processes, especially when it comes to user interaction.

The Serie M/ provides a variety of different process data for this purpose

What modules were used in the document and how often, and in what language?

How often was the standard text changed?

Which blocks not included in the template were added?

How often and at which position were texts/data added in free text mode?

Which optional graphics were used, for example, in whitespace management, and how often?

And much more

Evaluating these datasets in a period of time provides valuable insights into how to better configure and optimize templates, building blocks, and processes so that the overall process is accelerated, and content quality is improved. For example, by

Optimizing standard texts so that they need to be changed as little as possible, the customer understands them better, and fewer call center queries are raised.

Understanding who uses free text and how often? Can the amount of time spent on this be reduced with appropriate templates?

Identifying modules that are used little or not at all so that they can be removed from the inventory or integrated into other modules.

Monitoring the use and success of whitespace management.

These examples show the enormous optimization potential that lies in data evaluation, especially when interpreted together with supplementary sources in a BI analysis. The Serie M/ provides a variety of other ways that can help you improve your CCM processes.

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Christel Heusler