CCM migration as an opportunity

The system change as an impulse for successful customer communication of the future

When the life cycle of a CCM solution comes to an end, this means replacing the basic customer communication system. This is always associated with considerable effort.

  • Migrating document templates and modules – often in large numbers
  • Adapting interfaces to the peripheral systems
  • Carrying out tests and quality controls

However, there are good reasons that justify such a project effort, for example when print and output systems are no longer able to meet the requirements of modern customer communication. Or because systems established on the market such as DOPiX or Assentis are being discontinued and need to be replaced.

The positive side of this situation

Whatever the reasons for the change, we believe that this situation can be seen as an opportunity. As an opportunity to tackle issues such as successful customer communication, long-term customer loyalty and positive customer experiences. This means putting the quality and future viability of the CCM solution to the test. Because its performance is becoming increasingly important for the future success of your company.

A checklist

  • Number of templates/modules
  • Central resource management
  • Consistent document processes
  • Omnichannel management
  • Responsive layout
  • Media discontinuity in the back office
  • Media discontinuity in customer dialog
  • Clear, understandable language or “plain language”
  • Addressing specific target groups
  • Accessibility

Diese Themen gehen über eine 1:1 Migration deutlich hinaus, aber sie sind für die strategische Ausrichtung und den zukünftigen Erfolg Ihrer Kundenkommunikation entscheidend und somit unvermeidlich – jetzt oder später.

Die Vorteile des kwsoft® Migration Service

Performance icon

Unique expertise and experience for your migration

Qualität icon

Technologically leading CCM solution Serie M/

Usability icon

No media discontinuity – end-to-end digital processes

Fortschritt/Technologie icon

Comprehensive connectivity to specialist systems/standard solutions


Serie M/ On-premises, in the cloud or as a SaaS offering

How to master your CCM migration

Find out more about the customer communication of the future!

Our partner network

Together with our partner companies, we offer numerous tools and services to provide you with highly efficient support during CCM migration. Our aim is not only to master the current challenges of a migration confidently and efficiently, but also to make your customer communication fit for the future. Because a powerful CCM solution makes a significant contribution to the long-term market success of your company.

These are the partner companies, some of whom we have been working with on a basis of trust for years. They complement and enrich our migration services. This means you always receive the right offer – tailored precisely to your requirements:


Geballtes Know-how

Zusammen mit dem hochkarätigen Partnernetzwerk bietet kwsoft® im Bereich Migration ein im Markt einmaliges Kompetenzspektrum, bei dem jeder Partner einen klar definierten Bereich abdeckt.

  • ery competent project management thanks to the software manufacturer’s experienced consulting team
  • Highest performance and security thanks to end-to-end document processes from Serie M/
  • Reach every target group appropriately on the right channel – responsive, dialog-oriented, barrier-free with omnichannel output management
  • TOP technology: “Cloud-ready” operation in a container or on premises
  • Operational reliability: verify correct output after migration/update with regression tests
  • Maximum certainty in decision-making thanks to a preliminary analysis of your resources (unique on the market)
  • Perfect migration of content and logic into the original, immediately usable target format M/TEXT TONIC (proportion depending on the source system)
  • Savings potential of up to 90% compared to manual transformation
  • Consolidation of resources at semantic, logical or technical level – if necessary in coordination with the specialist department
  • Optional: optimization of the customer approach, editorial processes, automatic consolidation of redundancies
  • Competent project teams with kwsoft-certified employees
  • Flexibly scalable contingent of experts for all upcoming tasks.

During the entire, usually multi-stage migration project, you decide which services you use, when and to what extent, and which migration path you ultimately take – in line with your IT strategy and resource planning.

Praxisbewährtes, umfassendes Fachwissen

Das Besondere an diesem Migrationsangebot ist einmal die enorme Bandbreite an Fachwissen, das uns über die Expertinnen und Experten der beteiligten Unternehmen zur Verfügung steht. Zum anderen hat sich diese Zusammenarbeit bereits in zahlreichen Projekten bestens bewährt bei Unternehmen wie Sparkassenversicherung, Baloise, Gothaer etc. In diesen und weiteren Migrations-Projekten konnten wir zusammen mit semantics wertvolle Erfahrungen sammeln bei der Migration von Ausgangsformaten wie:

  • DOPiX
  • MS Word
  • Papyrus
  • winBK
  • Assentis DocFamily

Kommunikation und Interaktion mit den Kundinnen und Kunden sind entscheidende Faktoren der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Steigern Sie langfristig die Effizienz und Qualität Ihrer Kundenkommunikation und stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie auch die anspruchsvollen Kundinnen und Kunden von morgen adäquat ansprechen.

Mehr erfahren Sie in unserem REDpaper. Hier kostenlos herunterladen!

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Christel Heusler