The performance of our CCM software

In customer communication management, companies are regularly faced with the challenge of having to produce and send large quantities of transaction documents within a very short period of time. This is especially true for peaks such as year-end business. This often involves batch jobs with millions of pages, which is why very good CCM software performance is crucial for fast and smooth output to customers.

The performance depends on

  • the available hardware,
  • the complexity of the documents to be processed
  • and the performance of the CCM software.

As hardware resources are now inexpensive thanks to “pay per use” and can be procured dynamically without provisioning times, the ability to use available hardware resources flexibly and spontaneously is a fundamental requirement for modern software systems.

skalierung in der cloud über container-architektur
GrafiK: Cloud icon mit Schnittstellensymbolen

Scaling in the cloud via a container architecture

The modern container architecture of Serie M/ enables any dynamic scaling via the hardware in the cloud. Additional computing power is automatically switched on when it is needed. This means that the maximum computing power, which may only be required once or twice a year, does not have to be permanently available.

Parallele Verarbeitungsstränge mit Priorisierung
Grafik: Tabelle mit parallel dargestellten Abläufen

Parallel processing threads with prioritization

With the M/TEXT batch interface, it is possible to define parallel processing threads with different prioritization. This allows the performance to be individually adapted and optimized to the framework conditions of the respective application — and thus use the hardware even more efficiently.

Test case: performance test on AWS


Creating documents from templates and XML data and sending them to our output management system M/OMS


M/OMS batch run with rendering to PDF and AFP output formats

Test document

A mixture of 1.5 pages and 9 pages

Amazon ECS

Kubernetes 1.20

Serie M/

M/TEXT: 1-10 Pods,
M/OMS: 1-3 Pods

AWS EC3 Instances

Each pod uses its own AWS EC2 c5.2xlarge instance (8 vCPU, 16 GB RAM, 60 GB EBS storage)

Amazon RDS

PostgreSQL 10.15 on db.m5.xlarge (4 vCPU, 16 GB RAM)


10 million pages/hour  


15 million pages/hour

Case study: Raiffeisen Switzerland

A mandatory application scenario for financial service providers is high-volume, time- and performance-critical year-end processing. For our customer Raiffeisen Switzerland, the task was to provide an IT infrastructure in container operation that can process and output the maximum document volume of 27 million documents once a year in just 48 hours.


Open Shift container architecture

Serie M/

8 Pods (8 CPU Cores, 8-12 GB RAM)

OMS adapter

10 Pods (2 CPU Cores, 2 GB RAM)

The OMS adapter is an upstream module between the delivery system and the Serie M/, which prepares the data for the Serie M/ and ensures optimum parallelization with its 10 pods.


110 documents or 220 pages per second

Output to various channels

13.2 million documents to the digital archive, 5.6 million documents to the physical mailroom and 8.2 million documents to digital e-banking.

You want to know more about the Raiffeisen use case?

Download the case study free of charge

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Christel Heusler