
We are at your service

For the lasting success of a company-wide CCM solution, professional project work during implementation and competent support during operation are of vital importance – in addition to the products. No one understands this better than kwsoft®, whose roots lie in individual software consulting. That is why we put great emphasis on reliable consulting and support for our customers in every project phase – to the extent you require.

kwsoft<sup>®</sup> consulting


Company-wide CCM solutions can only be mastered within the framework of professional project work. Decisive for success is well-coordinated planning and efficient project work that proves itself in the acceptance of the solution by the users.

kwsoft<sup>®</sup> support

Support for your Serie M/

We are a solution-oriented software company and there – beyond a successful implementation – the smooth daily operation of our CCM applications plays a decisive role.


Customer and partner portal

We provide our customers and contractual partners with exclusive access to our “kwconnect” portal. This is the common central platform for everything worth knowing and up-to-date about our products and services.

We’ve got the solution for you!

Leading in Output Management

High-performance output management that can be seamlessly integrated into any ecosystem: We’re happy to show you how to use our products to fit your situation exactly.

Our clients

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Christel Heusler