With state-of-the-art technology and modular design for an individual high-performance CCM solution.
The CCM System Serie M/ is a standard software based on modern Java EE technology Its modular structure, distinctive interface strategy, and consistent use of proven IT standards enable individually configurable solutions that are tailored precisely to your requirements. This is how the Serie M/ achieves optimum efficiency and turns your customer communications into positive customer experiences.

CCM processes with the Series M/
The Series M/ takes the approach of an end-to-end CCM solution that offers the entire creation process from data transfer/content composition to omnichannel output from a single source. This process is essentially covered by two products: M/TEXT for content composition and M/OMS for finalization and omnichannel output management.

Both products are fully integrated and can be operated together, individually or in combination with other CCM components. For example, M/TEXT as a text solution that transfers the prepared content to an existing OMS. Or M/OMS, which accepts and processes document formats such as PDF, AFP, etc. from existing applications.
You can achieve the highest increase in quality, security, and cost-effectiveness by controlling the complete CCM process for all written corporate communications with the central, end-to-end CCM solution Series M/. Here, our customers benefit from
Die Serie M/ basiert auf moderner Container-Technologie. Sie kann somit sowohl in modernen On-Premises-Infrastrukturen als auch in der Cloud optimal betrieben werden. Sie ist als mehrschichtiges Client-Server-System realisiert und auf der Anwendungsplattform Docker (mit Kubernetes/OpenShift-Orchestrierung) verfügbar.
So lassen sich Infrastruktur-Anforderungen an moderne IT-Anwendungen erfüllen, zum Beispiel hinsichtlich Hochverfügbarkeit mit 24×7-Betrieb sowie dynamischer Skalierung und Lastverteilung.
Cloud Partner
Gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern babiel, IBM und S&N bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihr Customer Communication Management gemäß Ihren Anforderungen in die Cloud zu verlagern.
Dabei gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, unter anderem bei den Hyperscalern aws, Azure, IBM Cloud und Google Cloud.
Die Speicherung von Daten (z.B. Ressourcen, Dokumente, Metadaten, Verwaltungsdaten, …) erfolgt in der Laufzeitumgebung in einer oder mehreren relationalen Datenbanken. Die Serie M/ unterstützt derzeit folgende Datenbank-Systeme: Oracle, MS SQL-Server, IBM DB/2, PostgreSQL.
Cloud-Technology with the Serie M/
M/Cloud for Testing
kwsoft® operates on the current release of the Serie M/ in an AWS cloud. As a client, you receive access to this system for a small fee. This means you work as a client in your own environment with preconfigured servers. There, you can upload your resources to test the provided version with your settings, resources, etc. No installation and configuration effort is required on your end.
M/Cloud for Production
Together with our partner msg systems AG, we offer the Serie M/ as individual cloud solutions tailored to your company. This allows you to take your customer communication management to the next level in terms of technology. Whether you want to outsource select batch runs or your entire Serie M/ infrastructure, M/Cloud for Production is prepared for it.
Sounds interesting? We will prepare a non-binding offer customized for you!
With combinable modules to an individual solution
In addition, there are many modules designed according to customer specifications, which you can integrate via numerous interfaces. For example, output extensions that provide data for business intelligence modules.
In addition, our partners offer modules that complement the Series M/, for example, integration in Outlook, in Salesforce, in SAP, or a digital ePostbox operated via app
Custom Development
And when the configuration of the standard products and additional modules reaches its limits, our Custom Development department provides project-related software engineering for individual additions. This way, we also cover special cases outside the standard and work with you to integrate the products into your specific infrastructure or architecture environment.
Instead of reinventing the wheel, we leverage market-proven standards that increase the openness, connectivity, and extensibility of the system.
With each new release we improve the products and develop them consequently, so that today we are considered a technological market leader with the Series M/. Every year at the start of planning new releases, our customers select new functions from a list of suggestions, which, in addition to our strategic product planning, are included in the next release.
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