Output formats of the Serie M/

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Serie M/ – any channel, any format

The CCM process is about rendering the output in the format required by the respective output channel. Omnichannel output means being able to serve all current and future channel/format requirements in order to build a positive customer experience precisely with your target group.

Output formats

Modular structure

The product architecture of M/OMS is designed in such a way that all finishing tasks (sorting, barcode application, rendering, etc.) are expressed as separately connected function modules (extensions). They can be extended and combined as required – beyond the standard repertoire. Thus, M/OMS always remains open for new output channels, formats, functions, etc.

Out of the box, the Serie M/ offers you the following formats today


  • HTML


  • XML

  • PNG

  • TIFF

  • SVG



  • PCL

  • PostScript

HTML – Responsive design for flexible and mobile display

When it comes to mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones, HTML offers the best conditions for a user-friendly display.

No horizontal scrolling by adapting the text and display width to the screen size or to portrait and landscape format.

Consideration of screen resolution, set font size, etc.
Responsive design “responds” to the characteristics of the output device and adapts by formatting text to fit the screen width or scaling graphics and images.

The HTML Renderer of the Serie M/ automatically generates this responsive HTML format optimized for mobile devices.

Dynamic documents with variable content

In combination with CSS stylesheets, dynamic documents can be generated from this HTML output, in which the viewer can, for example

Fade in and out details,

Focus on specific people or topics,

Or choose between different display styles of graphics (bar vs. pie chart) etc.

Convince yourself of our dynamic HTML document.

PDF – The proven all-rounder

PDF was originally developed as a “portable” file format to enable an electronic document to be output in identical form onto any digital or print media. Even today, the ISO standardized format plays an important role in the digital world. Different subformats serve different purposes, but always remain part of the PDF family and can be viewed with the standard viewer.

PDF as a platform-independent file format
PDF/VT for mass printing
PDF/A for audit-proof long-term electronic archiving
PDF for digitally fillable forms
PDF/UA for barrier-free accessible documents

The standard is mature and the market has plenty of human and technical resources available to implement PDF projects.

kwsoft<sup>®</sup> pdf association mitglied” width=”300″ height=”220″ /></p>
<p>The PDF Association is the international body charged with the coordinated further development and standardization of the format. kwsoft<sup>®</sup> is a <a href=member of the PDF Association.

Accessible documents according to PDF/UA standard

The provision of accessible documents is an essential aspect of digitization – with increasing economic and socio-political relevance for over 1 million visually impaired and blind people in Germany alone.

The license of the PDF renderer of the Serie M/ entitles to the generation of all mentioned PDF subformats. If you are planning to convert to accessible PDF/UA documents, for example,

you offer easy access to your documents also to people with handicap,

you stand out from the competition,

you will not incur additional licensing fees.

Accessibility has long been a legal requirement for organizations in the public sector. Also in Austria, as the user report of the Public Employment Service Austria – AMS shows.

Other formats

The Serie M/ offers HTML and PDF as well as all other formats you need for your output channels. If a required format is not listed here, contact our expert, there is certainly a solution.


Input data is usually supplied via XML files from different source systems. Conversely, the Serie M/ can generate an XML format to supply external data pools or applications such as statistics tools, archive systems or customer files.

AFP, PCL oder PostScript

These formats are print data streams with specific print control commands that describe the exact page layout in the language of the output device.

AFP, for example, was developed as a format for mass printing and was accordingly designed for fast throughput of large data volumes.

PCL is often used in decentralized printing, e.g. for departmental printers. In this context, the follow-me or pull printing method is often used. The user logs on to the printer and initiates the printout, so that sensitive documents are not visible to everyone in the output tray.

PostScript has established itself as the basic technology of the printing industry and is in many respects the forerunner of PDF.


The formats belong to the group of pixel-based raster graphics. The Serie M/ has its own TIFF and PNG renderers.


Scalable Vector Graphics is a vector-oriented graphics format based on XML. The Serie M/ has its own SVG renderer.

Related topics

IllustrationProduct architecture of the Serie M/

Your print output is still very high?

Have you already used up your potential for optimizing postage and shipping costs? We have a solution for this as well.

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Christel Heusler