Springtime is release time!

The new annual major release 6.12 of the Serie M/ is now available!
One of the most innovative CCM systems on the market is ready to make your customer communication even more attractive, even more successful.

A few selected highlights:

Responsive layout at the push of a button – generate HTML format that flexibly adapts to the output device. Without complex CSS programming.
Generate colored charts/diagrams from variable data easily with the graphic designer. The new text editing system “M/TEXT TONIC Content Hub” – generate content resources without in-depth administration know-how (available as beta version from summer 2021).

New service M/Cloud for Production

Together with our partner msg systems AG, we offer you a customized solution for your CCM in the cloud. Depending on the usage profile and workload of the system, this can have many advantages for your company.

No own IT infrastructure, no installation of Serie M/, always work on the latest release status, very efficient scalability, cost billing according to usage and much more…

You need more detailed information? Simply contact us at info(at)kwsoft.com. We will be happy to advise you.

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